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City landscape - Singapore.

Assurance Services for Small Businesses, Banks, and Investors

Our firm specializes in providing assurance services for small businesses seeking capital financing, banks and other lending institutions, and investors. Our assurances services help small businesses access the capital markets and they assist lenders and investors with financial due diligence.

Audit Process in the Lending Process

Small Businesses


Our firms assurance and advisory work can assist small businesses in getting access to capital through efficient audits, reviews, and compilations and also through advisory work.


If you are attempting to get a business loan or have already attempted and been denied or received terms that were very disadvantageous, our firm can assist you in the following two ways:


1) Assurance Services - We provide audits, reviews, and compilations for small businesses with an a report that can be presented to banks or investors as a part of your loan application package. 


2) Advisory Services - We assist small businesses in organizing their financial records and presenting them in an acceptable framework for the lending institution or investor.


Lending Institutions/Investors


Our firm provides assurance services as a part of the due diligence function for banks, other lending institutions, and investors to lower their risk profile for companies they are seeking to provide capital to. 

Contact us to get more information!

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